Sunday 27 March 2011

Logo development-Elements

Some ideas of wat our logo for our group will look like.We try to use three symbols that represent Fire,Water and Earth and try to join it up together and try make one logo out of it wich we think works out good.Wehave our logo in black and in colour so you can see wich idea looks more powerfull and effective.

Tuesday 22 March 2011


This is wat describes my three members characteristics in my group wich is Aimie Head.Jay kim and me George Mitsingas.

Monday 14 March 2011

Week 1
Humpty Dumpty
The first exercise we received was to create the character of Humpty Dumpty, using different shapes and irrelevant symbols that were given to us. The exercise required for us to create a creative version of the story of Humpty Dumpty. Thus, I began the story by creating the body of Humpty Dumpty in the first slide with aim to introduce the main character. In the second slide, the books attempted to resemble the wall that Humpty Dumpty is sitting on. I decided to use books as I believed that the books were a creative and great representation to resemble the wall of knowledge. The third slide included various books out of place to with aim to show Humpty Dumpty falling. Moreover, the forth slide is all the men’s horses which are made from rectangles representing the horses bodies, an L shape resembling the horses’ heads  and flags representing their tails. The 5th slide shows the army of men. With aim to make it creative, I used men in wheel chairs, ambulance cars, police cars, motorbikes, fire engine trucks, and plain cars to resemble the army of men. Finally, the last slide is creation of the king. Overall, I believe this was a great exercise as many shapes and symbols were used, each with their own meaning completely irrelavant to the story line but still  managed to offer the same conclusion. Many fun characters were created with the shapes and symbols, making it more fun and interesting to put together.